Why I’m a Coffee-Lover | The Importance of Coffee in my Life

2 min readNov 24, 2020

When I was younger, I used to sit in the kitchen while my grandmother began to perk coffee. The smell of it brewing in the background of a typical Saturday was like entering into a slice of heaven. I didn’t understand much about coffee back then, but now, I have a grasp of what it means to me.

Coffee is synonymous with unity in the family. Grown-ups would talk around the table about life — whether it be the lighthearted stuff or the heartbreaking events — and they bonded.

My uncle was smitten with this girl at his job, and she asked him out to get a coffee. For those of you who don’t know, my uncle hates the taste of coffee. It was a wonder he said yes. That first miracle led to another. Now, they’ve been married for about 20 years. I even asked a man I was falling for out for coffee. We were engaged in a year, and we are currently and happily married.

Coffee is an enjoyable break time for us in the household. A cup of coffee starts my brother’s day before heading into work. My mom enjoys her coffee while catching up on shows. As for me, I go for walks during the springtime and buy myself a coffee as a treat.

With a lot of people drinking coffee in my life, I now know my love language is the way someone takes their coffee. And I love my husband (large iced coffee, cream, 3 sugars, and a mocha and caramel swirl), my brother (a medium coffee, 5 cream and 5 sugar)…

So when you know I’ve accepted you in my life, I’ll ask, “How do you drink your coffee?”

I promise you. I’ll remember to make it.




A person who has been through a lot... Still... I rise.